We don't know about you, but it feels to us like we're living in a world gone mad. That's why we're pleased to make a very sane offer to anyone who still needs to pay their D21stCC dues for 2020.
If you use the form below to renew between now and our virtual lunch with Ro Khanna on August 14th, you can get the rest of a 2020 membership prorated at half price ($70), but only IF you pay in full for 2021 at the same time.
Annual dues will be going up to $140 for 2021. So that means $210 sets you up for the next 18 months. That's a little more than $10 a month, about the cost of one takeout meal.
So where does that money go? We're glad you asked...
Your membership supports a permanent headquarters for the Santa Clara County Democratic Party, the County Party's endorsed candidates, and other County Party building efforts. The headquarters is a critical component of ensuring that we have the infrastructure to run successful campaigns.
We hope you'll take advantage of our 4th Annual Summer Dues Deal and join the longest-standing Democratic club in Silicon Valley!